41 research outputs found

    Revisión tecnológica del aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador: una perspectiva cronológica

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    El presente artículo aborda la evolución y el avance de las tecnologías del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador (CALL por sus siglas en inglés, que corresponden a Computer- Assisted Language Learning) desde una perspectiva histórica. Esta revisión de la literatura sobre tecnologías del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador comienza con la definición del concepto de CALL y otros términos relacionados, entre los que podemos destacar CAI, CAL, CALI, CALICO, CALT, CAT, CBT, CMC o CMI, para posteriormente analizar las primeras iniciativas de implementación del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador en las décadas de 1950 y 1960, avanzando posteriormente a las décadas de las computadoras centrales y las microcomputadoras. En última instancia, se revisan las tecnologías emergentes en el siglo XXI, especialmente tras la irrupción de Internet, donde se presentan el impacto del e-learning, b-learning, las tecnologías de la Web 2.0, las redes sociales e incluso el aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por robots.The main focus of this paper is on the advancement of technologies in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) from a historical perspective. The review starts by defining CALL and its related terminology, highlighting the first CALL attempts in 1950s and 1960s, and then moving to other decades of mainframes and microcomputers. At the final step, emerging technologies in 21st century will be reviewed

    Creación de vídeos en animación 3D mediante aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula de inglés: innovación docente para la formación de profesorado de Educación Primaria. Creation of 3D Animation Videos through Cooperative Learning in the EFL Classroom: Educational Innovation for Primary Education Teacher Training. doi 10.20420/ElGuiniguada.2018.202

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    El presente artículo aborda la implementación de una innovación docente en el contexto de la educación superior, basada en la creación de vídeos en animación 3D mediante el uso del aprendizaje cooperativo y el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera. Concretamente, esta propuesta metodológica se sitúa en el marco de la asignatura “Idioma extranjero para el profesorado de Primaria (inglés)” del Grado de Educación Primaria (Itinerario Bilingüe) de la Universidad de Córdoba, España. El esfuerzo y la motivación de los participantes implicados en esta innovación educativa han facilitado la obtención de unos resultados altamente positivos. No obstante, este proceso de innovación docente pone de relieve, como se discute en este trabajo, que aún queda mucho por hacer para maximizar la incidencia del aprendizaje cooperativo en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras y del desarrollo de la competencia digital docente

    eTwinning and the development of language teachers’ digital literacy: a comparative study between two European universities : eTwinning y el desarrollo del lenguaje para la alfabetización digital docente: un estudio comparativo entre dos universidades europeas

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    Collaborative online international learning (COIL) has grown as an innovative technology-enhanced education approach with great potential for language education. Among the different COIL initiatives, eTwinning offers opportunities for language teachers and learners. Considering the limited research about pre-service language teachers’ digital literacy who have participated in the eTwinning for future teachers initiative, this paper’s objective is to explore how eTwinning can enhance teachers’ digital skills involving pre-service language teachers (n = 76) from two European universities, UCO (Spain) and ULS (Poland). The study follows a quantitative approach, using an exploratory cross-sectional method and an interpretative approach to comprehend and elucidate the viewpoints of the participants. The results show a general positive perception of participants from both contexts, while there are statistically significant differences regarding gender and university. Finally, the paper reflects on how to use eTwinning to improve teachers’ digital literacy and opens the way for studies.Collaborative online international learning (COIL) has grown as an innovative technology-enhanced education approach with great potential for language education. Among the different COIL initiatives, eTwinning offers opportunities for language teachers and learners. Considering the limited research about pre-service language teachers’ digital literacy who have participated in the eTwinning for future teachers initiative, this paper’s objective is to explore how eTwinning can enhance teachers’ digital skills involving pre-service language teachers (N=76) from two European universities, University of Cordoba, UCO (Spain) and University of Lower Silesia, ULS (Poland). The study follows a quantitative approach, using an exploratory cross-sectional method and an interpretative approach. The results show a general positive perception of participants from both contexts, while there are statistically significant differences regarding gender and university. Finally, the paper reflects on how to use eTwinning to improve teachers’ digital literacy. Keywords: eTwinning; virtual mobility; telecollaboration; teacher training; teachers’ digital literacy; digital competence.   Resumen: El aprendizaje internacional colaborativo en línea (COIL por sus siglas en inglés) se ha convertido en un enfoque educativo innovador con un gran potencial para la enseñanza de lenguas, siendo eTwinning una plataforma europea que ofrece numerosas oportunidades. Considerada la limitada investigación sobre competencia digital de futuros docentes de lenguas que han participado en la iniciativa eTwinning for future teachers, este trabajo explora cómo eTwinning puede mejorar la competencia digital docente, con la participación de futuros docentes de lenguas (N=76) de dos universidades europeas, Universidad de Córdoba, UCO (España) y Universidad de Baja Silesia, ULS (Polonia). Esta investigación cualitativa emplea un método transversal exploratorio y un enfoque interpretativo. Los resultados muestran una percepción general positiva de los participantes de ambos contextos, aunque existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al género y la universidad de procedencia. El artículo se cierra con una reflexión sobre cómo utilizar eTwinning para mejorar la competencia digital docente. Palabras clave: eTwinning; movilidad virtual; telecolaboración; formación de profesorado; competencia digital docente; competencia digital

    Computer Literacy: Sine Qua Non for Digital Age of Language Learning & Teaching

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    With the widespread and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in our daily lives, technology provides numerous opportunities and challenges for language teachers and learners. The popularity of learning a foreign language and integrating technology for educational purposes showed the demand for computer or electronic literacy for both language teachers and learners. The literate teacher and learner is the one who can use different technologies as educational devices in their teaching and learning processes. This paper reviews the related literature on new literacies, as well as the relationships between computer/electronic literacy and language learning and teaching

    A Cross-Cultural Qualitative Study on Students’ Attitudes towards Computer-Assisted Language Learning

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    This cross-cultural qualitative study investigated the attitudes and perceptions of language students towards computer-assisted language learning (CALL). We examined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of CALL in language education according to Iranian and Spanish students’ perceptions and attitudes. In addition, we found out the differences between Iranian and Spanish language students’ perceptions and attitudes towards CALL. The participants were 237 language students, and the researchers applied an online 10 open-ended question instrument for data collection and a SWOT analysis for data analysis. The findings of the content analysis revealed that many language students in Iran and Spain approved that CALL provides a wide range of tools, resources and materials for language learning. Among many pedagogical implications, this study suggests more CALL programs in order to enhance students’ CALL literacy

    Alfabetización del profesorado en aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador: un estudio comparativo en España e Irán

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    The application of technology in teacher education has received significant attention recently. It would be, somehow, impossible to deny the necessity of integrating technology in language education. The deficiency and illiteracy in delivering technology-based practices into instruction are assumed as key challenges of teachers in 21st-century education. This study aimed to explore the current level of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) literacy of language teachers in Iran and Spain. Moreover, the relationships between CALL literacy and their nationality are investigated. The study was based on a sample of 318 language teachers in Iran and Spain. Data collection was carried out through an online questionnaire. To make a sound decision, the researchers agreed to utilize the Delphi method so that appropriate experts were chosen in order to ensure a valid study. In the data analysis phase, descriptive, t-test, and one-way ANOVA analyses were performed to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that there is no difference between CALL literacy of language teachers in terms of their nationality. Finally, pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research are presented.La aplicación de la tecnología en la formación del profesorado ha recibido una gran atención en los últimos tiempos. Sería de todo punto imposible negar la necesidad de integrar la tecnología en la enseñanza de idiomas. La deficiencia y la falta de formación a la horade aplicar prácticas basadas en la tecnología en la enseñanza se asumen como retos clave para el profesorado en la educación del siglo XXI. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar el nivel actual de alfabetización en aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador (CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning para sus siglas en inglés) de los profesores de idiomas en Irán y España. Además, se investigan las relaciones entre la alfabetización en el aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador y su nacionalidad. El estudio se basó en una muestra de 318 profesores de idiomas de Irán y España. La recogida de datos se llevó a cabo mediante un cuestionario en línea. El método Delphi fue utilizado para validar el instrumento diseñado ad hoc, para lo que se eligieron los expertos adecuados que garantizasen la validez de este trabajo. En la fase de análisis de datos, se realizaron análisis descriptivos, pruebas t y ANOVA para responder a las preguntas de investigación planteadas. Los resultados del estudio revelaron que no hay diferencias entre la alfabetización CALL de los profesores de idiomas en función de su nacionalidad. Por último, se presentan las implicaciones pedagógicas de este estudio y recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones

    The Relationship between Music and Second Languages. La relación entre música y segunda lengua

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    This study stems from a research and teaching innovation project entitled iPlay School of Music and Languages, in collaboration with the HUM-1006 Research Group, Trinity College Spain-Portugal, and the Territorial Delegation of Education, Sport, Equality and Social Policies of Cordoba, which provides for the teaching of theoretical and instrumental music classes in English. The aim of this study is to find out whether exists a relationship between music learning and second languages learning by means of a questionnaire distributed among 32 students aged between 7 and 9 years old on the participants’ taste for these two disciplines, their practice and study habits and their skills and abilities in both areas. The results confirm the existence of such a relationship and our conclusions indicate that further research is desirable to discover how the two processes can benefit from each other, with the aim of enhancing both music and second language learning.El presente estudio nace de un proyecto de investigación e innovación docente titulado iPlay School of Music and Languages, participado por el Grupo de Investigación HUM-1006, Trinity College España-Portugal, y la Delegación Territorial de Educación, Deporte, Igualdad, Políticas Sociales y Conciliación de Córdoba, que prevé la impartición de clases de música teórica e instrumental en inglés. El objetivo de este estudio es indagar sobre la existencia de una relación entre música y segunda lengua a través de un cuestionario distribuido entre 32 estudiantes de entre 7 y 9 años de edad sobre el gusto de los participantes, sus hábitos de práctica y estudio, y las capacidades en ambos ámbitos. Los resultados confirman la existencia de tal relación y las conclusiones indican que es conveniente profundizar en la investigación para descubrir de qué manera los dos procesamientos pueden beneficiarse mutuamente, con el objetivo de potenciar el aprendizaje en ambas areas

    Employment, work abroad and bilingual education: Spanish bilinguals graduates’ self-perceived employability, mobility and intercultural competence

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    Bilingual programs have become more common in higher education around the world in an attempt to provide learners with the education they need to face today’s world. These programs can provide academic, linguistic, intercultural, and professional benefits to students. Consequently, countries like Spain have developed bilingual education to help students become proficient in foreign languages and develop essential competences for their professional futures. Research has analysed how Spanish bilingual education is implemented, and how teachers are trained. However, few studies examine how bilingual programs impact graduates’ employability, mobility, and intercultural awareness, and how graduates perceive their skill development. Moreover, little has been studied about bilingual graduates’ work situation and whether participating in these programs has helped them find work abroad. This paper analyses whether a combination of participation in Spanish bilingual programs, employment, and experiences working abroad affects bilingual education graduates’ self-perceived employability, mobility, and intercultural awareness. This study adopts a quantitative approach, in which 741 respondents participated. Findings show that bilingual graduates who are currently working have higher self-perceived employability and better perceptions of their mobility and employability competences than those who followed monolingual studies, even when they have not worked abroad

    Physiological Responses to Anxiety and Gender Differences in Second Language Oral Performance. Respuestas Fisiológicas a la ansiedad y diferencias de Género en la Producción Oral en Segundas Lenguas

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    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between physiological responses to anxiety and gender variable in second language oral performance. This research project investigates the conceptualization of second language anxiety in the context of oral production, considering physiological responses to anxiety and differences derived from gender on foreign language speaking anxiety. There were 371 participants in the study, 185 female and 186 male participants. Among the participants there were 313 students at the University of Cordoba, Spain, studying ESP, 23 teachers at the University of Cordoba taking an ESP course and 8 administration and services staff.  A questionnaire (CAEX) was administered to participants. Results of the quantitative data in this research show that female learners demonstrated higher levels of anxiety than male learners. The results of this study help teachers to select their teaching and testing strategies more effectively according to the gender of learners.El objetivo de este estudio es examinar la relación entre las respuestas fisiológicas a la ansiedad y la variable de género en la producción oral de una segunda lengua. Esta investigación indaga en la conceptualización de la ansiedad en una segunda lengua en el contexto de la producción oral, considerando las respuestas fisiológicas a la ansiedad y las diferencias derivadas del género en la ansiedad al hablar en una lengua extranjera. El estudio contó con 371 participantes, 185 mujeres y 186 hombres. Entre los participantes había 313 estudiantes de la Universidad de Córdoba, España, 23 profesores de la Universidad de Córdoba y 8 personas de administración y servicios que estudiaban IFE.  Se administró un cuestionario (CAEX) a los participantes. Los resultados de los datos cuantitativos de esta investigación muestran que las alumnas demostraron niveles más altos de ansiedad que los alumnos. Los resultados de este estudio ayudan a los profesores a seleccionar mejor sus estrategias de enseñanza y examen en función del género de los alumnos

    Augmented reality for ESL/EFL and bilingual education: an international comparison

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    In recent decades, educational technologies have enabled new opportunitiesfor teaching and learning on a recurrent basis. In contemporary educationalcontexts, which are mainly oriented towards active methodologies and studentcentered approaches, educational technologies have led to a significantbreakthrough in education. Among emergent educational technologies, it isinteresting to specifically highlight the current importance of Augmented Reality(AR), which allows overlaying of virtual objects (that is, ‘augmented’ elements)into the real world. This paper, after exploring the potential of AR in education, isaimed at comparing pre-service English as a Second Language (ESL), English asa Foreign Language (EFL) and Bilingual Education (BE) teachers’ perceptions,uses and preferences (n = 53) from two universities (Texas Woman’s University,USA, and University of Córdoba, Spain) regarding the use of AR, and analyzewhether there are similarities and/or differences based on sociocultural context,approaches to education or teacher practices. The findings reveal the positiveattitudes towards integrating AR in ESL/EFL and bilingual contexts of theparticipants of the two institutions. The most noted advantages of AR are thatit enhances classroom engagement and its focus is different from traditionalteaching methods, increasing student motivation and facilitating their learningprocesses. Some reported challenges imposed by AR are that access to mobiledevices is limiting, the cost of technology, technical issues and the necessityfor specialized teacher training. We also found other challenges and numerousadvantages of AR usage in ESL/EFL and bilingual contexts, which are discussedthoroughly. Finally, current needs in the field are identified and suggestions areoffered for further research in AR for ESL/EFL and BE